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纳米能源前沿论坛-41 Controlled epitaxial growth and fabrication of flexible hybrid halide perovskites
发表日期: 2023-11-06 文章来源:
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  报告人: 徐升 Associate Professor  University of California San Diego 



  联系人:  杨亚研究员 

  About the speaker 

  Dr. Sheng Xu holds the position of Associate Professor and Jacobs Faculty Scholar at the University of California San Diego. He earned his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Peking University and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Subsequently, he engaged in postdoctoral studies at the Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The focus of his research group is the development of new materials and fabrication methods for flexible health monitoring and energy harvesting devices. His research has been presented to the United States Congress as testimony to the significance and impact of funding from the NIH. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award, NIH Trailblazer Award, Sloan Fellowship, Wellcome Trust Innovator Award, MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35, IEEE EMBS Technical Achievement Award, ISBE Outstanding Youth Award, ETH Zürich Materials Research Prize for Young Investigators, and MRS Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award.        


  Organic–inorganic halide perovskites have demonstrated tremendous potential for next-generation electronic and optoelectronic devices due to their remarkable carrier dynamics. Current studies are mostly focused on polycrystals, since controlled growth of high-quality single crystals is challenging. In this presentation, I will discuss strategies that enabled the first chemical epitaxial growth of single-crystal hybrid halide perovskites. Using advanced microfabrication, homo-/hetero-epitaxy, and a low-temperature solution method, single crystals can be grown with controlled locations, morphologies, orientations, and strain levels. By a lifting off approach, single-crystal thin films can be transferred from the epitaxial substrate to a general flexible substrate. Extending this strategy to low-dimensional perovskites yields nanostructured superlattices, based on which a solar cell with an open-circuit voltage exceeding the Shockley-Queisser limit is demonstrated. This approach opens up broad opportunities for hybrid halide perovskite materials based flexible high-performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. 

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